Shalom Shebrews 🙂 I’ve been seeing bugs buzzing, flowers blossoming, and green returning all around, and I know it’s spring. Happy New Year! This year has already been so transformational for me. I am just …
The Little Things | Feast of Unleavened Bread 2020
Shloma, Tribe 🙂 Oh, boy, am I late! Well, it’s only been a week. But I had planned to update you guys beforehand. However, life. Am I right? I did have a wonderful time with …
Festival of Unleavened Bread: Days 1-3
Aside from making my own breads and getting creative in the kitchen, I’ve also discovered substitutes for other areas of leaven in my life.
“Let The Ruach Come To Your Rescue!” Happy Passover, Tribe!
Shalommmm Hebrews and Believers Alike ???? Sundown on Tuesday April 21, 2020 marked the Passover for my home, and the first day in the week long Feast of Unleavened Bread! For some people, Holy Days …
7 Ways to Win Back Your Peace During This Plague
“A full strong tower is the Name of YHWH; a just man runneth to Him, and [he] shall be enhanced.” – Proverbs 18:10 Shlomaaaa Party Peopleeee! Yes, a hiatus is what I’ve been on. So …
Peace Amidst This Plague
Let us call this p*ndemic exactly what it is– a PLAGUE. During the likes of which, we have the tendency to freak out, spread panic and unrest, and sulk in helpless anxiety. I mean, I …