Femininity, like masculinity, is a practice, a mindset that shapes our actions, a fruit we must continue pruning and harvesting. If we believe this is true, then the only natural subsequent course of action is making time to treat ourselves as gardens.
Gardens in need of watering, and patience, and fresh perspective with each season. Some seasons bring more rain, while other seasons may bring more pests. Some parts of the garden are meant for consumption, and other parts are for aesthetic purposes ????. And nature even shows us that what we may see as “aesthetic only”, like flowers or grass, often have very impactful effects 9such as offering pollen or housing tiny little creatures. Therefore, as we endeavor to cultivate a womanhood worthy of putting on YAHUAH’s altar, we should be practicing discernment, giving mind to the small things, recognizing our own strengths, and appreciating our gardens for what they are without comparing them to others’.
Here are the 3 daily feminine practices that the Biblical woman should never skip!
Quiet-time is a daily feminine practice that can have a profound impact on your spiritual well-being.
According to a study published in the Journal of Religion and Health, regular quiet-time (such as focused reading, journaling or silent meditation) can reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression and improve overall mental health. Additionally, a research conducted by the National Institute of Health found that engaging in daily prayer or meditation can lower blood pressure and reduce the risk of heart disease.
I’ve already spoken in detail about the importance of quiet-time in a previous post, Finding Quiet-Time in a Busy Home. However, I’m emphasizing it here, because we just can’t get enough of His Word. Especially when we have homes, husbands, and tribes to which we must tend.
I like to incorporate journaling into my quiet-time, too. I find that nothing really helps me quite like journaling— writing my thoughts, recording Scripture, jotting down my imperfect prayers, and using some pretty pens and highlighters for a soft touch. It’s my own personal treat.
And being in the Word should be a treat.
I started Maintenance Monday, a Femininity Journal Club to share all of my prompts and cues that help me implement Biblical womanhood in a more practical way. I share these prompts through an engaging podcast-style video guide every single Monday. Join Maintenance Monday Now
“In the morning, YAHUAH, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait expectantly.”
– Psalm 5:3
This practice is especially vital for me, since I am notoriously prone to anxiety and heart palpitations. If I watch too much news, spend too much time on social media, or start thinking about the future too much— then I can say goodbye to my peace.
But with quiet-time, most specifically time spent slowly reading an event or record in the Bible (in Old Testament), I find myself completely renewed.
Getting that hour a day, preferably in the morning before work begins, can make the difference between a day appointed by purpose versus a day spent in a constant hurry. Or, if you’re like me, it’s the difference between peace and worry. By setting aside a few minutes each day for quiet-time, you can not only deepen your connection with The Most High, but also reap significant health benefits and live a softer life as a woman.
Bathing is the number 1 most recommended practice in the Torah for curing disease and ailments.
Leprosy? Bathe. Defiled by someone? Bathe. Preparing for an important occasion, Holy Day or sacrifice? You guessed it: just wash your butt!
It appears that Scripture highlights bathing as a spiritual practice that has been and always will be more spiritual than we tend to acknowledge. But I know for myself, and even according to research, personal hygiene is the first thing to suffer when someone begins to experience depression (spiritual attack).
Showering is not just a hygienic routine, but it is also a daily feminine practice that can have a significant impact on your well-being. Taking a shower can help you refresh and reset, washing away the physical and emotional stress of the day. Hot water has done more for me than any drug, vice, or medical advice.
“Wash me thoroughly from my iniquity, and cleanse me from my sin!”
– Psalm 51:2
Showering or bathing can also be an opportunity to pamper yourself, using luxurious bath products or taking time to give yourself a gentle massage. And if you don’t have luxurious products, more natural ones work just as good and sometimes better (hello, nature. Thank You, Abba!). Having a purposeful and luxurious bath is not just accomplished by what you use, though: the luxury lies in your mind and attitude, the way you stroke the sponge across your skin; the way you rinse away the grime; the patience and attention you give to the space between your toes (and all the other crevices lol).
As you cleanse your body, you can also cleanse your mind and spirit, preparing yourself for whatever lies ahead.
Showering is not only a basic hygiene routine, but it can also have a positive effect on your physical and mental health. A study by the University of Portsmouth found that taking a hot shower can stimulate the release of oxytocin, a hormone that promotes feelings of happiness and well-being. Additionally, showering can help improve the quality of your sleep, according to a study by the National Sleep Foundation. By incorporating showering into your daily routine, you can boost your mood, improve your sleep, and feel more refreshed and energized throughout the day.
And if you need a serious energy boost (or wakeup call), try a cold shower first thing in the morning ????
Rejoicing is a powerful daily feminine practice that can transform your life.
Yahuah invites us to enter His Courts, and unlock the door with PRAISE!
“Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise: be thankful unto him, and bless his name.”
Psalm 100:4
We forget that joy should not be something that comes only after the blessing; joy IS the key to UNLOCKING the blessing.
I learned this vital lesson during 2020— one of the hardest years of my life to date. The latter half, at least. I was still long distance with my husband, living somewhere less than ideal, and under daily spiritual attack.
I found myself depressed, anxious, and worst of all, questioning YAHUAH’s plan to bring me and my husband together. But Yahuah showed me how to rise up early and just start singing to Him. Literally, that was it. When I tell you it saved my life, I mean it. This simple practice of choosing to have joy and be grateful in YAH no matter what can pick up our spirits and thus our flesh.
And in choosing to worship and rejoice in Him daily before starting my labors, I found myself guided by Him in everything; my ears were unclogging; and He gave me the instructions I needed in order to finally unite with my husband half-way across the country.
Rejoicing involves intentionally choosing to focus on the blessings in your life and expressing gratitude for them. This can help you cultivate a positive attitude, foster resilience, and deepen your relationship with ELAHA as a feminine woman. You can rejoice through prayer, song, journaling, or simply taking a moment to appreciate the beauty around you.
“This is the day that YAHUAH has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.”
– Psalm 118:24
According to a study published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, practicing gratitude can increase happiness levels and reduce symptoms of depression. Additionally, a research conducted by Harvard Medical School found that expressing gratitude can boost the immune system and improve overall health. By making a conscious effort to rejoice and express gratitude every day, you can not only enhance your emotional well-being, but also strengthen your physical health and resilience. But most importantly, by rejoicing, you can transform even the most challenging situations into opportunities for growth, learning and salvation in YAHUAH.
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