Shalom Shebrews 🙂 I’ve been seeing bugs buzzing, flowers blossoming, and green returning all around, and I know it’s spring. Happy New Year! This year has already been so transformational for me. I am just …
Cleaving To Your Ish (Husband): Why & How
We want to encourage our husband to forsake his parents and everything else he is comfortable with, in exchange for cleaving with us, his wife. But do we know what this means?
Do we know what we’re asking for? Do we know what needs to be sacrificed in order for this to occur? Most importantly, do we know how sacred this ‘cleaving’ is to The Most High Yahuah?
What does it truly mean to cleave according to The Word?
Festival of Unleavened Bread: Days 1-3
Aside from making my own breads and getting creative in the kitchen, I’ve also discovered substitutes for other areas of leaven in my life.
“Let The Ruach Come To Your Rescue!” Happy Passover, Tribe!
Shalommmm Hebrews and Believers Alike ???? Sundown on Tuesday April 21, 2020 marked the Passover for my home, and the first day in the week long Feast of Unleavened Bread! For some people, Holy Days …
7 Ways to Win Back Your Peace During This Plague
“A full strong tower is the Name of YHWH; a just man runneth to Him, and [he] shall be enhanced.” – Proverbs 18:10 Shlomaaaa Party Peopleeee! Yes, a hiatus is what I’ve been on. So …
Peace Amidst This Plague
Let us call this p*ndemic exactly what it is– a PLAGUE. During the likes of which, we have the tendency to freak out, spread panic and unrest, and sulk in helpless anxiety. I mean, I …
12 Silent Ways to Blow Your Husband’s Mind (for free)
Sometimes, marriages lose the romance. You’re not getting as many compliments. No date nights. Very little sex (something I don’t treat as a taboo on this page). Seldom Scripture study/prayer together. And just an overall sense of lack.
Some would argue that this is all a part of the motions. Life changes. People change. Homes change. Marriages change. That is the one constant of life: the living cannot avoid change. We are either dying or growing, and there is never an in between.
That’s why I compiled this list. I encourage wives to take an active approach in deciding whether their marriage is dying or growing. Don’t accept despair, disconnect, loss of romance, or defeat.
Your marriage is worth the effort. It’s your number one priority.
Do Israelite Men Hate Femininity?
The entire ‘Israelite Community’ are not all in fact Israelites. Some are Moab, Ham, Japheth, Edom, Ishmael, and a variety of other nations who are making an attempt to cling to Israel.
We can tell who is who, not by their fringes, beards, headwraps, or even their Sabbath traditions. But we know them by the spirit.
Let us make distinctions before making the mistake of generalizing.
Seeking a Guest Poster!
I’m a year into my journey with hosting The Hebrew Housewife and this journey has been explorative, challenging, fun, pensive, and bittersweet. But, I want to share this platform and space. I view this as more of a community than anything.
I am searching for women, Hebrew & Israelite women, who have something on their heart from The Most High and want to share it. I would love to feature you and have my little audience hear YHWH speak through someone like you.
Overcoming Porn Addiction Through Submission To My Husband– and what it can teach you about Yah’s redeeming glory
Submission to the ordained authority doesn’t always mean oppression. In many cases, like mine, it means complete liberation.