Showing: 6 Articles

Peace Amidst This Plague

Let us call this p*ndemic exactly what it is– a PLAGUE. During the likes of which, we have the tendency to freak out, spread panic and unrest, and sulk in helpless anxiety. I mean, I …

Israelite Marriage

12 Silent Ways to Blow Your Husband’s Mind (for free)

Sometimes, marriages lose the romance. Youā€™re not getting as many compliments. No date nights. Very little sex (something I donā€™t treat as a taboo on this page). Seldom Scripture study/prayer together. And just an overall sense of lack.

Some would argue that this is all a part of the motions. Life changes. People change. Homes change. Marriages change. That is the one constant of life: the living cannot avoid change. We are either dying or growing, and there is never an in between.

Thatā€™s why I compiled this list. I encourage wives to take an active approach in deciding whether their marriage is dying or growing. Donā€™t accept despair, disconnect, loss of romance, or defeat.

Your marriage is worth the effort. Itā€™s your number one priority.


9 Distinctions of Ha’Mashayachim (The Anointed)

The Anointed is a surname if you will. The New Name written in White Stone for the chosen children of HAYAH inducted again through the blood who cross over, or overcome.
What does that really mean though? If we are now His children again? In His house/Kingdom once more? Covered in the adoption of The Blood?
What must we do differently that we did not do before, that caused Him to hide His face from our shame?